Growing Pains
Apple Blossoms from my Darcy Spice Heirloom Apple Tree
Speaking of new things…I am working on a few new flavors. Keep an eye out. I will be testing them at the various farmers markets to get your feedback.
Don’t you love Spring? - A time for new ideas, new growth and new challenges!
Spring has arrived and just as quickly it is flying by! Soon the Summer will be here, and it is hard to believe it! I love Spring with the light colored green leaves and the tulips, daffodils and the blossoms on my apple and peach trees. I was just outside weeding around my blueberry bushes and noticed the little blueberries are already growing! What happened to the blueberry blossoms?! How did I miss them??
With the promise and growth of the Spring, so we are growing too! We are so thankful for all of our customers and their support! We wouldn’t have made it this far without all of you. In trying to keep up with the demand we are trying to increase the size of our batches to improve our efficiency. I will still be using my own certified kitchen, but I will also be renting a commercial kitchen with a steam kettle! I tested it last week. I love that steam kettle! I will have a helper to allow me to make larger batches assisting with filling and sealing jars. I will also be able to sell jam at this kitchen - good news for some of my more southern customers.
Blossoms of my Chestnut Crabapple Tree